The first option configuration page is the Router (Default Gateway) page (see Figure 6.10), in which you enter the IP addresses of one or more routers (more commonly referred to as default gateways) that you want to use for outbound traffic. After entering the IP addresses of the routers, use the Up and Down buttons to order the addresses. Clients will use the routers in the order specified when attempting to send outgoing packets.
FIGURE 6.10 Router (Default Gateway) page of the New Scope Wizard

Providing DNS Settings
On the Domain Name And DNS Servers page (see Figure 6.11), you specify the set of DNS servers and the parent domain you want passed down to DHCP clients. Normally, you’ll want to specify at least one DNS server by filling in its DNS name or IP address. You can also specify the domain suffix that you want clients to use as the base domain for all connections that aren’t fully qualified. For example, if your clients are used to navigating based on server name alone rather than the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of, then you’ll want to place your domain here.
FIGURE 6.11 Domain Name And DNS Servers page of the New Scope Wizard

Providing WINS Settings
If you’re still using Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) on your network, you can configure DHCP so that it passes WINS server addresses to your Windows clients. (If you want the Windows clients to honor it, you’ll also need to define the WINS/NBT Node Type option for the scope.) As on the DNS server page, on the WINS Servers page (see Figure 6.12) you can enter the addresses of several servers and move them into the order in which you want clients to try them. You can enter the DNS or NetBIOS name of each server, or you can enter an IP address.
FIGURE 6.12 WINS Servers page of the New Scope Wizard

Here are some of the more common options you can set on a DHCP server:
003 Router Used to provide a list of available routers or default gateways on the same subnet.
006 DNS Servers Used to provide a list of DNS servers.
015 DNS Domain Name Used to provide the DNS suffix.
028 Broadcast Address Used to configure the broadcast address, if different than the default, based on the subnet mask.
44 WINS/NBNS Servers Used to configure the IP addresses of WINS servers.
46 WINS/NBT Node Type Used to configure the preferred NetBIOS name resolution method. There are four settings for node type:
B Node (0x1) Broadcast for NetBIOS resolution
P Node (0x2) Peer- to- peer (WINS) server for NetBIOS resolution
M Node (0x4) Mixed node (does a B node and then a P node) H Node (0x8) Hybrid node (does a P node and then a B node) 051 Lease Used to configure a special lease duration.
Activating the Scope
The Activate Scope page (see Figure 6.13) gives you the option to activate the scope immediately after creating it. By default, the wizard assumes that you want the scope activated unless you select the No, I Will Activate This Scope Later radio button, in which case the scope will remain dormant until you activate it manually.
FIGURE 6.13 Activate Scope page of the New Scope Wizard

Be sure to verify that there are no other DHCP servers assigned to the address range you choose!
In Exercise 6.4, you will create a new scope for the 192.168.0.x private Class C network. First you need to complete Exercise 6.1 before beginning this exercise.
Creating a New Scope
- Open the DHCP snap- in by selecting Administrative Tools ➢ DHCP.
- Right- click the IPv4 folder and choose New Scope. The New Scope Wizard appears.
- Click the Next button on the welcome page.
- Enter a name and a description for your new scope and click the Next button.
- On the IP Address Range page, enter as the start IP address for the scope and as the end IP address. Leave the subnet mask controls alone (though when creating a scope on a production network, you might need to change them). Click Next.
- On the Add Exclusions And Delay page, click Next without adding any excluded addresses or delays.
- On the Lease Duration page, set the lease duration to 3 days and click Next.
- On the Configure DHCP Options page, click Next to indicate you want to configure default options for this scope.
- On the Router (Default Gateway) page, enter for the router IP address and then click the Add button. Once the address is added, click Next.
- On the Domain Name And DNS Servers page, enter the IP address of a DNS server on your network in the IP Address field (for example, you might enter and click the Add button. Click Next.
- On the WINS Servers page, click Next to leave the WINS options unset.
- On the Activate Scope page, if your network is currently using the 192.168.0.x range, select Yes, I Want To Activate This Scope Now. Click Next.
- When the wizard’s summary page appears, click Finish to create the scope.
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