Although the features mentioned in the previous section likely compel most system administrators to use NTFS, additional reasons make using it mandatory. The most important reason is that the Active Directory data store must reside on an NTFS partition. Therefore, before you begin installing Active Directory, make sure you have at least one NTFS partition […]
When you’re planning your Active Directory deployment, the filesystem that the operating system uses is an important concern for two reasons. First, the filesystem can provide the ultimate level of security for all the information stored on the server itself. Second, it is responsible for managing and tracking all of this data. The Windows Server […]
When talking about PowerShell commands for DHCP, I must let you know that there are dozens of commands that you can use to configure and maintain a DHCP server. Table 6.1 shows just some of the possible PowerShell commands that are available for DHCP. The following table lists just some of the PowerShell commands available […]
One of the nicest advantages to IPAM is the ability to audit the different services that you are monitoring. In today’s complex IT world, we all have many different servers and applications that we are running to get our job done. We use Microsoft products and non-M icrosoft products to accomplish the tasks that help […]
Once you have successfully installed and provisioned the IPAM feature on your Windows Server 2022 machine, you can begin server discovery. One of the great things about IPAM is that you can define multiple domains within the same forest to be managed by a single IPAM server. Once initiated, server discovery will automatically search for […]
FIGURE 6.23 IPAM Overview screen 4. Click Next at the Before You Begin screen. 5. At the Configure Database screen, you will need to set up a database for IPAM. You can either use the Windows Internal Database (WID) or a Microsoft SQL Server. If you choose to use a WID (I am using a […]
FIGURE 6.21 Choosing the IPAM feature 7. At the Confirmation screen, make sure the option Restart The Destination Server Automatically If Required is selected (see Figure 6.22) and then click the Install button. EXERCISE 6.13 (continued) 8. Once the installation is complete, click the Close button. Close Server Manager. 9. In the Add Servers dialog […]
DHCP name protection is an additional configuration option that you should consider when working DHCP within your environment. Name protection protects a DHCP leased machine’s name from being overwritten by another machine with the same name during DNS dynamic updates so that you can configure a Windows 2022 DHCP server to verify and update the […]
In Windows Server 2022, you can create and manage both IPv4 and IPv6 DHCP scopes for your organization. Even though they are managed separately, they have the same capabilities of being able to configure reservations, exclusions, and other DHCP options. Unlike an IPv4 client, a DHCPv6 client uses a device unique identifier (DUID) instead of […]