Configuring DHCP and IPAM
Although the features mentioned in the previous section likely compel most system administrators to use NTFS, additional reasons make using it mandatory. The most important reason is that the Active Directory data store must reside on an NTFS partition. Therefore, before you begin installing Active Directory, make sure you have at least one NTFS partition […]
FIGURE 6.23 IPAM Overview screen 4. Click Next at the Before You Begin screen. 5. At the Configure Database screen, you will need to set up a database for IPAM. You can either use the Windows Internal Database (WID) or a Microsoft SQL Server. If you choose to use a WID (I am using a […]
FIGURE 6.21 Choosing the IPAM feature 7. At the Confirmation screen, make sure the option Restart The Destination Server Automatically If Required is selected (see Figure 6.22) and then click the Install button. EXERCISE 6.13 (continued) 8. Once the installation is complete, click the Close button. Close Server Manager. 9. In the Add Servers dialog […]
DHCP can become a single point of failure within a network if there is only one DHCP server. If that server becomes unavailable, clients will not be able to obtain new leases or renew existing leases. For this reason, you should have more than one DHCP server in the network. However, more than one DHCP […]
You can use the DHCP snap- in to assign options at the scope, server, reserved address, or class level. The mechanism you use to assign these options is the same for each; the only difference is where you set the options. When you create an option assignment, remember that it applies to all the clients […]
The IPv6 Properties dialog box for the server has two tabs: General and Advanced. On the General tab, you can configure the following settings: ■ Frequency with which statistics are updated ■ DHCP auditing The Advanced tab allows you to configure the following settings: ■ Database path for the audit log file […]
Now that you’ve seen how to create a new scope in IPv4, I’ll go through the steps to create a new scope in IPv6. To create a scope, right- click the IPv6 option in the DHCP snap- in under the server name and select the Action ➢ New Scope command. This starts the New Scope […]